Saturday, May 31, 2008

Straying and Maying ~~~ with June!!!

With Heidi's queen crown on her head, and flowers in her grasp... Junie was definitely surprised with a Maypole dance on her front lawn. The Young Women in the Mendon First Ward approached us shortly after May Day with this idea and they ran with it... After missing her first May Day since she became the chorister in 1992, she was very down and out about that and it was the Young Women's way of brightening up her day... And boy, did they ever. Check out the video below...

There were about 20 girls dancing on the pole and they for some, it was the first time they had ever danced the Maypole Dance... There were some quirks and mistakes but it was way cool to have it happen out on her own lawn.

Erin was one of the girls particicpating in the Maypole Dance and she was having a great time making Gramma June happy on this day. Here she is doing.... yes..... My Aunt Sally... in another video snippet...

I was having a hard time getting her to stay home because she was in gardening mode and she wanted to get up to Fonnesbacks's Nursery to get some seed so she could get every thing to keep her there... In fact, I wonder if she ever got the seeds at all... she was so excited!!!

We were back on the patio behind the garage talking and then she wanted to do this and then that and I just kept her occupied with some real stupid conversation and then she caught sight of Terri coming down the lot and was wondering where she went... because she didn't stop by to talk... So she followed here around and couldn't find her. Meanwhile, I could here the song, Oh May Queen, oh May Queen, we're coming in the front yard and I took her by the arm and said "Let's go this way for a minute" and it was wonderful to see the look on her face as she saw and heard the girls singing and circled around the Maypole...

They brought her flowers, Norma Myers came and played the piano (without the truck... ha ha) and they proceeded to dance the Maypole in honor of Mrs. May Day (June Bowen). I ran up to the house and grabbed Heidi's May Day Queen Crown from when she was the Queen of May in 2001 and placed it on her head (without the speech, I might add). She laughed and cried and tapped her foot, swayed her head and sang the songs of May Day witht he girls. It was a great tribute to a great lady. She was visibly moved...

After they were done dancing they circled around the honored and gleeful Junie and was introduced and they expressed there love and appreciation for my mother, June H. Bowen. They all told her how much they missed her on May Day, (especially Norma Myers... ha ha). Her spirits were soaring and she said that her heart was racing with excitement for the occasion.

The piano was a little bit out of tune, and the girls were definitely taller than when they danced the Maypole as little and big girls, (however Terri noted that it was really funny to listen to the girls counting because they didn't do that when the were little girls... ha ha), but the whole thing was a great compliment to a great lady... I videoed the whole thing and I think that it all turned out.... I will sell it... of course... for a fair price... ha ha

Here is another video snippet taken by Terri on the digital camera... enjoy!!! Thanks Terri!!!

Happy Late May Day Mom... I know we made your day!!! We love you!!!


Mommason Hillary said...

OH MY GOSH - AFTER THIS YOU HAVE EARNED BEING THE FAVORITE CHILD!!!! This made me cry and cry and cry. Thank you so much for doing this for mom. I was well taken by emotions of laughter and tears. It's the little things in life that matter the most - and this was a keeper.

Matt Hillary said...

This is one of the sweetest things I have ever heard of someone doing!

Betsy B said...

That is just awesome!! Way to go girls. I would have paid to see the look on Grandma's face!! Love you Grandma