Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Me Mudder

Well, as you can see - we both look like our father right? Eric and I spent some time with mom on Mother's Day weekend. She's still a bit hung over from her eye surgery - but that made her even more fun to tease. Our afternoon was spent putting flowers on both Mom's mom, Elizabeth Hill in the Wellsville Cemetery, and my father's mom, Elsie Bowen in the River Heights Cemetery. (Beautiful day to visit the dead...) Right behind my big fat head to the right is my Grandmother - Elizabeth Hill. She was my mom's mom - but she only had her mom for 15 years of her life. Grandma passed away while sewing a dress for my mom to wear for the 'Gold and Green Ball', during which my mom was going to be dancing with her twin Jay during the floor show. I recall my mom telling me the story of the day they came to get her out of school to tell her that her mom had passed away. My mom's childhood ended basically - as she was now the only one home with her brother Jay, and she started doing all of the things her mom did. My mom did have wonderful sisters, my Aunts Beth, LeDean, Elda, and her brothers, my Uncles Ray and Jay. They were very close and every memory I have seems to be circled about by their love and joy and kindness. My mom always told me that she wanted to live her life so that her mom would always be proud of her - I think you arrived there a long time ago mom. Now I live in hopes that I will make you proud. I know that you wanted more children - but Eric wouldn't stay out of your room. Between Eric marrying his sweetheart Terri and me marrying my sweetheart Del - we now have 9 grandchildren, 4 extended in-law grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren! We now number 22 - and that is a beautiful picture to behold. (And a lot of hotdogs for the firepit parties) So although I'm a tad late in posting this, Happy Mudders Day! Eric and I love you more than you'll ever know. And now that we have posted this KIND post - let the games begin...... Love ya mom!

Faheeties, Gwaukamolee.

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