Thursday, May 8, 2008

The "Eyes" Have It...

Well, where do we begin... Junie will always have an adventure and this is just another one... For our first installment, June has had cataract surgery on the right eye... ya know, the bloodshot one... It has been quite an ordeal for her and she been lower than a gopher's belly.

There has been several things that she has missed... one in particular... and the one that perhaps hurt the most... is that she wasn't able to lead the singing last Saturday in the 2008 May Day Celebration for the first time since 1992. It was a rather strange feeling to not see her up on the gazebo in her flowered dress with a white coat, coupled with the monotone melody. But Laura Morgan filled in for her and did an excellent job.

The doctor told us that this was a very extensive and complicated surgery and was not a routine cataract surgery... Junie evidently either didn't get that message and more the likely didn't hear it because didn't have her hearing aids in.... ha ha...

It has really been rough on her and she has been very discouraged and reclusive as a result... the best way to describe her attitude and demeanor is "pissy", (pardon my French) but it speaks volumes as to how she has been acting.

She has had a noticable "forgetfulness" and confusion the last few days and it even got to the point that she forgot to put the drops in her eyes for 4 or 5 days, which wasn't the best thing in the world for her recovery. When she got home we went down four times a day and made sure she had her drops put in and in the sequence they were supposed to be and then we gave her "the pill"... ya know the one that takes the pressure off the eye and even more impressive, knocks her out for about 4 or 5 hours... it was by far our favorite prescription... ha ha...

Of course, in her most independent decision of the day, she informed us that she could put the drops in by herself because she didn't want to be a PITA... [figure it out... OK a Pain In The Ass] This, of course, turned out to be a failure and she paid for her own negligence...

After the doctor visit where he found out that she hadn't been taking the drops, she was scolded enough to get on her own regimen and therefore, she gotter done... and she has done much better in the maintenance program with the drops.

I have to admit that I would like to personally thank the clod that put it into her head that this surgery would be painless and that she would be up and around the next day... That set the tone for a disaster and has made life just a little bit miserable because she her expectations were not realized in a timely matter.... So thanks to whoever that "somebody told me" was...

Anyway... this has been a long couple of weeks and I don't mean to be negative in this blog that is designed to showcase mom, but it has been just a little bit hard on all of us...

There has only been one time worse than this... and that was when she had a bout with bronchitis a few years ago. They put her on that wonderful drug... Prentizone... that was designed to heal her lungs up from all the cough. She was absolutely insane when she was on it and even worse when she came off of it... Personally, I was going to kill her, but I won't say that on the blog because you never know when the FBI and Homeland Security is not monitoring our every move... ha ha...

Anyway, Terri took her to the doctor and we found out two things of good news... first, the eye is looking much, much better and even better news than that... SHE CAN'T DRIVE YET.... YEA!!!!!

We did get her up to a weiner roast the last week when she was in fairly good spirits and that was a good thing...
Brandon and Terri are the heroes in this story... they have "driven Miss Daisy" to and fro from appointments to shopping stops and that has been both good and bad.... good because she wasn't penned up in a dark, drape drawn house and got some fresh air... Brandon even took her to her hair appointment and snapped this picture last week as part of this chronicle... That was a good sign of life...

Well life goes on... we still love ya mom and are glad to see that you are improving... We pray for your improvement and the will to move onward and upward and are preparing for the day when you can get the other eye done... which is a lot less extensive than the right eye was. Good luck mom and we will see you later...


Betsy B said...

I love my Grandma! Who else would give you that kind of drama!

Mommason Hillary said...

Good Lord - is that my mother?

Matt Hillary said...

Those shades are stylin'!