Tuesday, June 3, 2008

7th Grandchild Graduates - and Grandma is there!

Today Grandma June attended her 7th High School Graduation. Betsy, Brandon, Heidi, Matt, Ashley, Mandy and now Ryan. Ryan graduated with the 100th graduating class from Jordan High School and might we add the most handsome to graduate. This is the Hillary Family and all that entail. We celebrated all day and enjoyed having everyone there. Thanks for coming Grandma - Katie and Erin - you are both next and better get your fanny buns to graduation someday so Grandma can top off the 9 grandchildren she loves! PS she also has a son with a Bachelors - working on the Masters, a Grandson (Matt) and Grandaughter (Ashley) months away from their Masters, a Granddaughter in Law (Bethany) finishing up a Masters, two Granddaughters (Betsy & Heidi) with Bachelors, a Grandson in Law (David) with a Bachelors, and another Granddaughter (Mandy) and her husband (Ryan M.) working on their Bachelors! Ryan will start his degree at BYU in the fall. Whew - you are all GRAND children in Grandma June's eyes!

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