Monday, June 30, 2008

60th Wedding Anniversary

Crap - could someone help me with tweeking these sideways pictures? Note... Pix is Fixed... I couldn't do it so I just posted the picture - I love this tender picture! Eric, (and Terri) and I hosted a 60th Wedding Anniversary Party for Mom and Dad. We couldn't take the rest home out of the party - so we took the party to the resthome... you know what I mean... We had so many wonderful people come to visit and reminisce. We wholeheartedly thank all those that came to share this special day. It was held on the actual day of their Anniversary - June 28th, 2008! We were a little nervous that no one would be able to come - and then the room started filling up with all of the people that our parents have loved for so many years. I'll just post some pictures - hopefully right side up... for you to enjoy.Top to Bottom: Dad's family came! Mike, Suzan, Gary and also Uncle Clair came - I just missed that picture by a minute... Uncle Bob passed away several years ago. It meant so much that their families came. Next is a picture of my mom (and dad's actually) and her best friends from South Cache High School. They are fondly known as the 'Suck and Tuck' bunch - because when they have their pictures taken they stand sideways and suck and tuck their tummies in for the picture! (I have documented proof of this..) Next is Dr. Keeler from the Utah State University Poisonous Plant lab where dad worked for the government. Dr. Keeler was a kind and loyal associate of my dad's. He was dad's best fishin' buddy and they always spent time on the lake. Next is a picture of Colleen Hardman and Jean James. Jean is my mom's right and left hand - and dearly loved by our family. Colleen is a part of the Mendon Gang that my parents were a part of - many of the gang came and supported Mom and Dad. Next is Justin and Doris, Bruce and Lottie Anderson - representing many dear friends from Mendon where our parents have lived for over 50 of the 60 years of marriage (The military had them moving for a while..) Eric is an amazing son and brother - it was a difficult day for him but his true colors of love and kindness came through and he visited with Uncle Mike and Aunt Lorraine Bowen and had a good time all around. Then - the Great Grandbaby boys, Andrew (with his mom Bethany) and Charlie (with his aunt Heidi) turned dad into a giggling silly man - Daddy LOVES babies - and he especially loves these guys. We had wedding cake and cold lemonaid for our guests and spent several hours talking, laughing and crying. Many people had not seen dad for a while - but their tears just expressed their love for him and for mom. Hey - Mom and Dad - we're proud of you! Way to go on 60 years! Our love and prayers are for the Lord to constantly watch over this love of yours.

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