Monday, June 30, 2008

Always - and forever...

It's not easy to gather up busy family members to have a photo shoot. Let alone at a rest home, and having grandpa whistling through out the shoot. But we did it. These are a few of my favorites and I thought mom would like to share them with you all. Mom and dad were married in the Logan Temple on June 28th, 1948. They had Eric and I (Nicole) - we both have been married to our spouses in the Salt Lake Temple. Eric has one married daughter Betsy - who married David in the Logan Temple. My son Matt married Bethany in the Jordan River Temple, my daughter Ashley married Mike in the Salt Lake Temple and Mandy married Ryan (M) in the Salt Lake Temple. Brandon has been through the Logan Temple for his mission and this fall my so Ryan (H) goes through the temple for his mission. Thank you Mom and Dad for setting the standards high - and for all of the love over the years encouraging us to stay close to the church. You were right - it is the only way. Ok - Heidi, Kate and Erin - you are next! Make Grandma and Grandpa a promise!

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