Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Our Day

The family gathered on Saturday, June 7th for some pictures that we will all treasure forever. It was a difficult day as we wheeled daddy in for the pictures. His residence over the past several years has been at the rest home. His activities, waiting for his brother Bob to come and get him and take him home to heaven. Dad sticks around because we all need to learn something. We're trying to learn what we need to know before you go. There were 21 family members there and we all got a kick out of dad/grandpa's mood. He was trying so hard to tell his stories. His eyes would light up when the grandbaby boys were brought over to him. He tried so hard to whistle at them. Daddy loves babies. They loved him too. They knew what each other was saying! It was a long day for everyone - but from the bottom of my heart I thank you for making this day happen. We each got to see dad, touch his hands, kiss his face and drink in his love. Mom looked especially beautiful and so very proud to be the Mom and Grandma and Great Grandma standing there among those that love her so dearly. Eric and I stayed back for a minute and our emotions were more powerful that we could hold in. So to Eric, Terri, Betsy, David, Charlie, Brandon, Heidi, Katie, Erin, Matt, Bethany, Andrew, Ashley, Mike, Mandy, Ryan M. and Ryan H (and Mikenzie) - THANK YOU and I love you all. mmmmm pineapple ice cream......

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