Sunday, July 27, 2008

We love our Scotish Ancestors!

Well - it's Pioneer Day in Utah- July 24th - and only in Utah. Eat your heart out other states - but the Lord sent them here instead. (Other states were not as nice you see....) (Wait - I think we did get an official apology...) A couple of years ago I found this special headstone after looking and looking and looking in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. It is my mom's 8th generation grandfather - Alexander Hill Sr. - and his wife Elizabeth Currie. Since I live in Salt Lake and the rest of my ancestors are all buried in Cache Valley -I have adopted this headstone and sacred ground as my own. I take candles to this site on Christmas Eve - that's a freaky thing - but very spiritual as well. I take things on Memorial Day, and his birthday. I'm planting Lily's this fall and they will bloom there next year. This particular Memorial Day - there was a new plant there and I was curious to see who was also taking on MY relative. So this Pioneer Day I took our 10 generation line and laminated a card and attached it to the headstone with Red, White and Blue ties. I have included my e-mail and asked for anyone to contact me if they are related. I hope I get a response! Anyway - Mom to honor your Pioneer Heritage - I'll include pictures from that site. The Anchor on Alex's headstone represents his place in the Royal Navy - a captain of a 94 gun ship. He was a great seaman - and yet he came to the USA and was buried in the SLC desert of sort. But if it wasn't for him - I wouldn't be here.... Lucky me. I am grateful for all of their sacrifices and hope to live up to all they they would want me to be. I know - my mom has lived up to that!

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