Saturday, May 31, 2008

Straying and Maying ~~~ with June!!!

With Heidi's queen crown on her head, and flowers in her grasp... Junie was definitely surprised with a Maypole dance on her front lawn. The Young Women in the Mendon First Ward approached us shortly after May Day with this idea and they ran with it... After missing her first May Day since she became the chorister in 1992, she was very down and out about that and it was the Young Women's way of brightening up her day... And boy, did they ever. Check out the video below...

There were about 20 girls dancing on the pole and they for some, it was the first time they had ever danced the Maypole Dance... There were some quirks and mistakes but it was way cool to have it happen out on her own lawn.

Erin was one of the girls particicpating in the Maypole Dance and she was having a great time making Gramma June happy on this day. Here she is doing.... yes..... My Aunt Sally... in another video snippet...

I was having a hard time getting her to stay home because she was in gardening mode and she wanted to get up to Fonnesbacks's Nursery to get some seed so she could get every thing to keep her there... In fact, I wonder if she ever got the seeds at all... she was so excited!!!

We were back on the patio behind the garage talking and then she wanted to do this and then that and I just kept her occupied with some real stupid conversation and then she caught sight of Terri coming down the lot and was wondering where she went... because she didn't stop by to talk... So she followed here around and couldn't find her. Meanwhile, I could here the song, Oh May Queen, oh May Queen, we're coming in the front yard and I took her by the arm and said "Let's go this way for a minute" and it was wonderful to see the look on her face as she saw and heard the girls singing and circled around the Maypole...

They brought her flowers, Norma Myers came and played the piano (without the truck... ha ha) and they proceeded to dance the Maypole in honor of Mrs. May Day (June Bowen). I ran up to the house and grabbed Heidi's May Day Queen Crown from when she was the Queen of May in 2001 and placed it on her head (without the speech, I might add). She laughed and cried and tapped her foot, swayed her head and sang the songs of May Day witht he girls. It was a great tribute to a great lady. She was visibly moved...

After they were done dancing they circled around the honored and gleeful Junie and was introduced and they expressed there love and appreciation for my mother, June H. Bowen. They all told her how much they missed her on May Day, (especially Norma Myers... ha ha). Her spirits were soaring and she said that her heart was racing with excitement for the occasion.

The piano was a little bit out of tune, and the girls were definitely taller than when they danced the Maypole as little and big girls, (however Terri noted that it was really funny to listen to the girls counting because they didn't do that when the were little girls... ha ha), but the whole thing was a great compliment to a great lady... I videoed the whole thing and I think that it all turned out.... I will sell it... of course... for a fair price... ha ha

Here is another video snippet taken by Terri on the digital camera... enjoy!!! Thanks Terri!!!

Happy Late May Day Mom... I know we made your day!!! We love you!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Throw Momma From the Train

With JHS graduation just around the corner Mom will be boarding the new Frontrunner commuter train on her Birthday to come to her Grandson Ryan's Graduation. Mom - please keep all arms and legs in the ride at all times, and I'll meet you at the Gateway! Don't forget your hearing aid batteries - if you forget them there will be a quick return on the Northbound train immediately upon arrival. (Love ya (: ) (Please refer to the 'My Momma Hits Cows' posting for the real reason mom is NOT driving - slowly- in the dark - with cows......

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Uncle Jay

Uncle Jay was a huge man in my life. He stood larger than life. He was my mothers twin and he disliked any child that made noise. I tried to upload his picture and well - my computer is as stubborn as he was! Uncle Jay passed away on Feb 10, 2007 in Colorado. His life story to me represented all that was good in a Military Man. I reread his obituary and found it to be all that and then some. So on this Memorial Day Weekend I though I would honor my hero, Uncle Jay.

Uncle Jay graduated from the University of Utah receiving his degree in Pharmacology, then served in the U.S. Army for two years and then return to the U of U where he graduated from the School of Medicine in 1959. He was always a hard worker. Uncle Jay made the U.S. Army his career choice and following a one year internship at Ft. Benning, Georgia, Dr. Hill completed a three year specialty training residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. From 1963-68, Jay was stationed at the U. S. Army Hospital at Fort Carson, Colorado. In 1968 he was sent to South Vietnam where he served as a Medical Battalion Commander in the Central Highlands. Upon his return, he was assigned to the teaching staff of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Fitzsimons Army Medical Center in Denver, Colorado. He retired from there in 1985 as the Chief of OB/BYN, culminating a 33 year military and medical career.

But as an Uncle - he was so scary! He had the deepest voice and the most piercing eyes. I cannot believe he had 2 sweet daughters! He would always say, 'Children are to be seen and not heard'. So naturally we all saluted him! I remember one time staying with my cousins at their home and there was a square box on the table next to the front door. I kept pushing it and nothing was happening. Until Uncle Jay came in from the garage with fire in his eyes and said, "Who in the hell is putting the garage door open and shut!?" My cousin Tamara just yelled, "RUN!!!" I almost ran back to Utah! But all in all - I knew that he was a great man, a wonderful husband to my sweet Aunt Dolores, an amazing dad to Shelley and Tamara, and loved the pride and joy of his life Cody - his grandson.

I know that there could never be a stronger love for a brother than the love my mom has for her brother. She lost her soul when he passed on before her. They always promised to be together. She still feels him close when she is frightened - she knows his spirit is near. I remember that Uncle Jay always loved the great outdoors. He rode his Harley Davidson everywhere, he love to boat and fish and always had a camper trip planned. He would kill you if you called during a Denver Nuggets game, and do even worse during a Denver Football game! He loved & cared for my Aunt D who, in turn, loved and supported him in every way. With the passing of Uncle Jay, that leaves my mom the only remaining member of that family alive today of the 6 children of Ray and Elizabeth Hill. She is a national treasure to us! We always tell her to stay away from 'the light', it's just your brothers and sisters trying to lure you home!

Uncle Jay was buried with full military honors at Ft Logan National Cemetery. He was buried in his uniform, with his Col. hat held close to his heart. Someday - I promise to post that picture of his hat - and how handsome he was. But for today - I just want him to know how much I loved him - and honor him. I know that on this day - there is a beautiful flag in front of his headstone - and so once again - I salute you Uncle Jay....

Oh, and below is a Memorial Day Update!!!

Today, I (Eric) had the opportunity to go around to the different cemeteries with Junie... We started at Wellsville and placed flowers on Grampa Ray's and Gramma Elizabeth's graves... And in honor of Col. Jay M. Hill, M.D., who is buried in Fort Logan National Cemetery in Denver, Colorado, we placed and pot of flowers in the center of the headstone (and "borrowed" for a moment a flag from some Bankhead guy) to pay tribute to Uncle Jay from a distance.

And to top it off... we took a picture of the same setting and included the remaining (not the remains of) sibling (June) with her kindred dead... Aunt LeDean and Uncle Bill Campbell's headstone is partially cut off with yellow flowers (sorry, poor photography) and the dark headstone at the top right corner is Uncle Ray and Aunt Ellen Hill's headstone. She looks good in Uncle Jay's sweats wouldn't you agree???

It was a fun day for both of us... especially mom...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My mom hits cows

So, for those that think I'm picking on my mom - well - I'm not! I'm just relating facts. My mom has a 'driving a car and hitting big animals' problem. I hit poles with my cars and my Mom hits animals. She once hit a black bull on the way home from Logan to Mendon at night. All you could see was the tail lights from the car showing out of the ditch. She hit a deer on the way from Wellsville to Mendon at night - the deer delivered it's baby on the windshield. Gross - gosh mom! Once mom was driving me home from Logan (at night) and a whole herd of cows came at us on a run down the road. The cars were herding them from the other way and we were in 'their' way. I was screaming - I looked over at my mothers and she was cool as a cucumber as she plowed right through them! (Would you like fries with that burger?) One year for Christmas I gave her a plastic cow with a target on it - I think she secretly loved it.... As I look at the forlorn look in this cows face I think I recognize it from that night.... the only thing is - it has two different numbers in it's ears. I think it was from each time mom hit it! Recently mom had surgery on her eyes. She told my sister in law Terri that she could still drive - she would just 'drive slowly'. Things that must go - (sweet beautiful, kind) old people driving slowly - at night - with cows. I decided to post this blog because I found this joke. Not only is mom a beef-eater, and blind - she also cannot hear! So thus the cow post, the jars and jabs about driving, and now - the deaf joke. If my mom offers to drive you somewhere - call me fast - before the sun goes down!

A lady from the city and her traveling companion were riding
the train through Vermont when she noticed some cows.

"What a cute bunch of cows!" she remarked.
"Not a bunch, herd", her friend replied.
"Heard of what?"
"Herd of cows."
"Of course I've heard of cows."
"No, a cow herd."
"What do I care what a cow heard. I have no secrets to keep from a cow!"

'Hamburgers on the grill' takes on a whole new meaning at our house! Have I mentioned how much I love you mom? Well - I do! Love, Nic

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Me Mudder

Well, as you can see - we both look like our father right? Eric and I spent some time with mom on Mother's Day weekend. She's still a bit hung over from her eye surgery - but that made her even more fun to tease. Our afternoon was spent putting flowers on both Mom's mom, Elizabeth Hill in the Wellsville Cemetery, and my father's mom, Elsie Bowen in the River Heights Cemetery. (Beautiful day to visit the dead...) Right behind my big fat head to the right is my Grandmother - Elizabeth Hill. She was my mom's mom - but she only had her mom for 15 years of her life. Grandma passed away while sewing a dress for my mom to wear for the 'Gold and Green Ball', during which my mom was going to be dancing with her twin Jay during the floor show. I recall my mom telling me the story of the day they came to get her out of school to tell her that her mom had passed away. My mom's childhood ended basically - as she was now the only one home with her brother Jay, and she started doing all of the things her mom did. My mom did have wonderful sisters, my Aunts Beth, LeDean, Elda, and her brothers, my Uncles Ray and Jay. They were very close and every memory I have seems to be circled about by their love and joy and kindness. My mom always told me that she wanted to live her life so that her mom would always be proud of her - I think you arrived there a long time ago mom. Now I live in hopes that I will make you proud. I know that you wanted more children - but Eric wouldn't stay out of your room. Between Eric marrying his sweetheart Terri and me marrying my sweetheart Del - we now have 9 grandchildren, 4 extended in-law grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren! We now number 22 - and that is a beautiful picture to behold. (And a lot of hotdogs for the firepit parties) So although I'm a tad late in posting this, Happy Mudders Day! Eric and I love you more than you'll ever know. And now that we have posted this KIND post - let the games begin...... Love ya mom!

Faheeties, Gwaukamolee.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The "Eyes" Have It...

Well, where do we begin... Junie will always have an adventure and this is just another one... For our first installment, June has had cataract surgery on the right eye... ya know, the bloodshot one... It has been quite an ordeal for her and she been lower than a gopher's belly.

There has been several things that she has missed... one in particular... and the one that perhaps hurt the most... is that she wasn't able to lead the singing last Saturday in the 2008 May Day Celebration for the first time since 1992. It was a rather strange feeling to not see her up on the gazebo in her flowered dress with a white coat, coupled with the monotone melody. But Laura Morgan filled in for her and did an excellent job.

The doctor told us that this was a very extensive and complicated surgery and was not a routine cataract surgery... Junie evidently either didn't get that message and more the likely didn't hear it because didn't have her hearing aids in.... ha ha...

It has really been rough on her and she has been very discouraged and reclusive as a result... the best way to describe her attitude and demeanor is "pissy", (pardon my French) but it speaks volumes as to how she has been acting.

She has had a noticable "forgetfulness" and confusion the last few days and it even got to the point that she forgot to put the drops in her eyes for 4 or 5 days, which wasn't the best thing in the world for her recovery. When she got home we went down four times a day and made sure she had her drops put in and in the sequence they were supposed to be and then we gave her "the pill"... ya know the one that takes the pressure off the eye and even more impressive, knocks her out for about 4 or 5 hours... it was by far our favorite prescription... ha ha...

Of course, in her most independent decision of the day, she informed us that she could put the drops in by herself because she didn't want to be a PITA... [figure it out... OK a Pain In The Ass] This, of course, turned out to be a failure and she paid for her own negligence...

After the doctor visit where he found out that she hadn't been taking the drops, she was scolded enough to get on her own regimen and therefore, she gotter done... and she has done much better in the maintenance program with the drops.

I have to admit that I would like to personally thank the clod that put it into her head that this surgery would be painless and that she would be up and around the next day... That set the tone for a disaster and has made life just a little bit miserable because she her expectations were not realized in a timely matter.... So thanks to whoever that "somebody told me" was...

Anyway... this has been a long couple of weeks and I don't mean to be negative in this blog that is designed to showcase mom, but it has been just a little bit hard on all of us...

There has only been one time worse than this... and that was when she had a bout with bronchitis a few years ago. They put her on that wonderful drug... Prentizone... that was designed to heal her lungs up from all the cough. She was absolutely insane when she was on it and even worse when she came off of it... Personally, I was going to kill her, but I won't say that on the blog because you never know when the FBI and Homeland Security is not monitoring our every move... ha ha...

Anyway, Terri took her to the doctor and we found out two things of good news... first, the eye is looking much, much better and even better news than that... SHE CAN'T DRIVE YET.... YEA!!!!!

We did get her up to a weiner roast the last week when she was in fairly good spirits and that was a good thing...
Brandon and Terri are the heroes in this story... they have "driven Miss Daisy" to and fro from appointments to shopping stops and that has been both good and bad.... good because she wasn't penned up in a dark, drape drawn house and got some fresh air... Brandon even took her to her hair appointment and snapped this picture last week as part of this chronicle... That was a good sign of life...

Well life goes on... we still love ya mom and are glad to see that you are improving... We pray for your improvement and the will to move onward and upward and are preparing for the day when you can get the other eye done... which is a lot less extensive than the right eye was. Good luck mom and we will see you later...