Thursday, April 21, 2011

I love my phone book company...

I received an interesting call today from Bridgerland Phone Book Company.  They had called to tell me that they had received a call from my mom and she was having a hard time getting a hold of me on my cell phone.  The sweet lady asked her who her provider was - and she said well you are.  (remember this is the PHONE BOOK company).  Thank you to a very very very sweet person who took the time to call me and tell me that my mother was having a hard time getting a hold of me and would I try to call her and fix the problem.  She was so adorable, and followed through, calling me later to make sure I contacted my mom.  I believe that Quest, AT&T, Verizon, and whomever else that claims to have the best customer service - should take note from the Bridgerland Phone Book Company - because you (my new phone friend) made my day and reminded me that there are kind people in the world today that still care.  Oh - and I did call my mom - and maybe.... just maybe... my sister in law and I giggled just  a bit over this story.  My worry is... not that I have a funny funny mother - but that when her heater goes out... she tries to call the composer to..... 'There is Sunshine in my Soul Today".    Oh Heavenly Father - thank you for my beautiful, amazing mother.