Sunday, May 10, 2009

Me Mudders, Mudders Day

So I called to wish you Happy Mudders day but you were off visiting your mom - in the Wellsville Cemetery! Eric always takes the time to take mom around for the flower delivery. They go to Elizabeth's grave and to Elsie's grave in Providence Cemetery. She talks about them, and tells her stories, and she's pretty consistant with the almost 80 year old information! Then they hurry about saying hello to all the other brothers and sistes buried there, because Mom is the last remaining sibling in the family. But they have to hurry a bit faster because McDonalds stops serving egg McMuffins at 10:30! Happy Mudders Day Mom!!! I love you! Thanks Eric for always going the extra mile to take care of Mom. I love you too.
1 Sweetheart Husband
2 kids
2 in-law kids
9 Grandchildren
(one being the most handsome nephew ever cited)
(and the other 2 aren't bad either)
4 in-law Grandkids
2.5 Great Grandkids
(2 Missionaries served - 1 out right now)
47 church jobs
78 City Jobs including Mrs May Day
98,000 collections of paper of - whatever
1,025 awards for the most beautiful yard
and a partridge in pear treeeeee
which will bring us back to....
2 kids that love their mom very much
and the Hokie Pokie